well, as we all know, another snow shower has come. last night as grant and i were peacefully asleep, i woke up about 230am hearing the dogs bark. they do this sometimes if they see a skunk or coyote or a cow. so i fell back asleep. i woke up again at about 3 hearing one of them howling and whining. they never make these sounds, they only bark, so i thought hm thats weird, but then thought oh , maybe their just cold, we will put them in the barn in the morning. 330 comes and it is stillll going on. so i finally make my self get up at 3:45 and go to the back porch window and look out. (where is grant you? aaaasleep! very hard sleeper that boy!) the kennals are too far out that my flashlight wouldnt reach that far to see what was going on, but i could hear the tin roof on their kennals was flopping around loose. this happened last week when it was superrrrr windy as well. so i go to grant and say hey baby, i think one of your dogs is out, the roof is loose and one is howling, i think something is wrong. he was noooot very excited but got out of bed, put on all his winter gear and went outside. i of course went back to bed, had to keep it warm ya know ;) so finally at about 4:15 grant comes back inside and said yup, tiny was out, you were right, he jumped out the top, and hung his leg up. i responded quickly with an oh nooooo i should have got up earlier is he ok?! grant ended up putting them in the barn in a stall with saddle blankets and heat lamps. thats the most lush living they've ever had! lol. thye better not get used to it! summer will be here soon enough! anyways, we didnt take tiny to the vet, we just doctor it ourselves. it will heal sooner than later and it will just be added onto his list of scars on his legs! he has many!