oh jossi, what a cutie you are. Joss is my 3 year old neice and she is a piece of work that girl! she is hillarrrious. she alwaysssss has the funniest most unexpected response to everything, it just cracks me up. One time, keri jo asked joss where she got her good looks from and she said grant. lol we were all like ummm ok hahaha. she also had to have one of her front teeth pulled cuz she hit it and it died, and when she woke up from the surg she was crying- not from the pain-but b/c she missed her tooth. now maybe its just cuz im a dental assistant( and her aunt) but how darn cute is that!? when riley was a baby he couldnt say kelli so he called me lolly, so that is was joss calls me. but now that she is older and "cool" ya know, she calls me loll. its so cute. it makes my heart melt everytime she says it. now, all of you that know me, know that i am nooooot a cuddley person, and joss isnt really either, but sometimesssss if its late enough she'll cuddle in my lap and i just love it. its so heart warming. i neverrrr wanted kids but now that i see joss and how much fun and joy she brings to my life, i kinda want one of my own (and yes ker, i know i see only the fun parts) ;) who woulda thunk it lol. joss is also a dramaaaaa queen that girl! it is hillarious to watch. sometimes heart breaking, but ker will always be like its ok kel, shes faking it, lol. i always think dang, im a sucker! oh yeah, one time i called her to talk to her,they now live in colorado, and she started crying b/c she wanted to talk to grant not me! it was actually really funny, i told grant its only cuz his sexy accent! anyways.... heres to my little piece of heaven joss. i love you and miss you!!
awww, you're making me all emotional! jossi will love this! she misses you too so much. she asks about yall all the time. i love that pic of yall at the wedding. so sweet. i'm so grateful she has you!
I love the picture with her hand in your back pocket!